At Kamin Physical Therapy, we start by conducting a comprehensive examination of your musculoskeletal system. Your posture, gait, alignment, range of motion and strength of your pelvic floor, abdominals, muscles of the back, and extremities are evaluated. We may perform a pelvic floor muscle exam to determine strength, tone, sensation, tenderness, scarring and any other abnormalities of the pelvic muscles. From our first evaluation session we will determine your specific needs then build a customized program of physical therapy and recovery. At Kamin Physical Therapy we work with you to teach health-maintenance techniques that you can perform at home and set realistic goals to move toward wellness.
Our Treatments Involve:
- Evaluation
- Manual therapy
- Strengthening
- Coordination and flexibility training
- Neuromuscular re-education
- Postural education
- Instruction in proper body mechanics
- Instruction in proper body mechanics
- Bladder retraining
- Relaxation and Breathing techniques
- Biofeedback
- Rehabilitative Ultrasound Imaging
- Functional Dry Needling
- Cardiovascular training
- Thermal Modalities
- Home Exercise Training Program

Therapeutic Exercise
Therapeutic exercise includes activities to improve physical function and alleviate impairment by improving strength, range of motion, endurance, muscle coordination, motor learning, breathing, balance and posture. An exercise program is specifically designed for the patient and modified accordingly.
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Manual Therapy Techniques
Manual therapy techniques of the pelvis and spice are performed by a skilled physical therapist utilizing specific, hands-on techniques to diagnose and treat soft tissues and joint structures for the purpose of modulating pain, increasing range of motion, reducing or eliminating soft tissue inflammation, inducing relaxation, improving contractile and noncontractile tissue repair, extensibility and/or stability, facilitating movement, and improving function.
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Rehabilitative Ultrasound Imaging
Rehabilitative Ultrasound Imaging (RUSI)/Real Time Ultrasound Imaging (RTUS) is a tool to view muscle activation and relaxation in real time. The physical therapist can accurately assess movement of the core muscles. The includes the pelvic floor muscles, transversus abdominis, diaphragm, and deep multifidus muscles. This tool is also used as a form of visual biofeedback to enhance learning and muscle retraining.
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Functional Dry Needling
Functional Dry Needling is a technique performed by physical therapists who have received advanced training in which thin filament needles are used to penetrate the skin to treat underlying muscular and connective tissue for the management of neuromusculoskeletal pain and movement impairments.
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